Having our barbecue chicken in your freezer is like a golden ticket to delicious goodness anytime. Reheat in a covered saucepan on low until warmed with the sauce and enjoy over rice.
In Cordon’s family, this is known as “Granny Snider’s Chicken” after her great-grandmother and has been a staple of family meals on her mother’s side for longer than she’s been alive. Her grandmother, lovingly called Mamama, must have made it hundreds of times for her children and grandchildren, so this dish is dedicated to her. It’s slow cooked in a tangy sweet mixture of lemon, vinegar, mustard and pastured butter until the chicken is so very tender and is always eaten over rice. You’ll see why this dish is a tradition. Heat up in a saucepan or in an oven-safe container in a 350-degree oven and serve over the rice + greens.
$28 / 4 thighs
Bone-in Chicken Thighs** | Lemon | Apple Cider Vinegar* | Coconut Sugar* | Mustard* | Paprika* | Pastured Butter*/*** | Black Pepper* | Sea Salt (* = ORGANIC, ** = Bell & Evans, antibiotic/hormone-free and humanely raised, *** = DAIRY)
These delicious meatballs are bursting with umami flavor from the shiitakes while the ginger, lemon and herbs brighten them up. As always, we use only local pastured pork from Firsthand Foods, local pastured eggs, local herbs from Red’s Quality Acre, and organic shiitakes from Happy Dirt. These meatballs are very versatile too. Enjoy them with the quinoa, over the salad for a quick lunch, dip in the pepper hummus, or warm up with some eggs and root vegetables for a special Saturday morning breakfast. Reheat in a pan over medium heat or in the oven.
$14 / 8 meatballs
$28 / 16 meatballs
Local Pastured Pork* | Local Shiitake Mushroom* | Ginger | Local Mint* | Parsley* | Basil* | Laying Hen Farm Local Pastured Egg* | Lemon | Black Pepper* | Sea Salt (* = ORGANIC)