We’re bringing back this delicious recipe from Sarah Britton of My New Roots. She’s a holistic nutritionist, chef and cookbook author and we just love everything she does. Goodness Cooks’ dishes are often inspired by other people’s recipes and then we tweak and add things and fiddle with them until they become our own, but we’re doing this recipe by the book. So here it is – creamy white lentils blended with caramelized organic sweet onions from Happy Dirt, balsamic vinegar and tahini, topped with our flavorful Sparta Kefalas organic olive oil. Enjoy with crackers and veg or dollop onto any lunch or dinner plate for extra goodness.
$7.50 / 8 oz
White Lentil* | Tahini | Onion* | Lemon | Balsamic Vinegar* | Cumin* | GreekSparta Kefalas Extra Virgin Olive Oil* | Black Pepper* | Sea Salt (* = ORGANIC)
Get some of this gold in your freezer. Defrost and use to brighten up any lunch or dinner.
The name says it all. Sunflower seeds that have soaked up sunbeams in a field somewhere will be lightly toasted and whizzed up to become creamy seed butter. Then with a twist of lime, ginger, coconut milk and a touch of heat from chili flakes you have…sunshine sauce! It’s punchy, smooth and full of flavor. And sunseeds are packed with nutrition – fiber, antioxidants, Vit E, and critical micronutrients, such as selenium, zinc, and manganese that support heart and brain health. Drizzle it over any of this week’s dishes. You can also use it as a salad dressing or to dress up a plain roasted veg or grain bowl. Let this sunny little number brighten your day.